Over the weekend very little happened after the usual Saturday morning Ground Training which Moose and Drac avoided by competing in an athletic match against the Army. Kyrenia was the main attraction and there were sorties there on both days; however, inspite of all the peace and quiet, Moose managed to make it known to the mosquitos that he was wholesome gnat-gnawing material and duly showed evidence of this.

Monday 2nd June - Sunday 8th June

The week commenced with another ACT exercise in which Old Ray and Dickie did the honours on the ground and perhaps because we knew roughly what was going on, or because it wasn't a 'morning-after', the results were much better than those of the previous attempt. Aircraft shortage caused the Battle Flight commitment to be done by aircraft airborne on the exercise; then a further shortage brought the exercise to a close and the flying programme to an undignified end.

The accent for the week was mainly on cine and manual and Tuesday got the programme under way in a steady uneventful day. Punctuality and the security state was stressed by 'Sir' at Met Briefing as he looked around to see for the second day running a certain Scots PAI hadn't made it and neither had his mountainous mate Moose.

Tim Riddihough spent most of the week from Tuesday evening trying to train a water polo team to meet the Other Squadron at a water polo match of sorts on Friday evening. None of the 208th apart from Dez, Tim and Steve were really capable but nevertheless swallowed much pool water and came soon to a watery end in the attempt to get sufficient know-how by Friday.

The flying programme of cine and manual limped its way through Wednesday when only a few aircraft were available and arrived at Thursday when it was decided that no flying should be done at all in order that 'C' Flight might patch up some aircraft; just one lone pair got airborne on an exercise. Ground Training, the domain of Dez Melaniphy, was the thing and after little had been accomplished except the usual argument that does develop whenever the inverted spin is mentioned: which way round do you go anyway?

On Thursday evening everyone donned clean shirts and minds and set off to the Boss's to attend a party which gave the chasps the opportunity to meet all the wives who had arrived and which constituted one of the first official gatherings away from a recognised bar.

Ch 2 - Nicosia/Akrotiri 22

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