…... which involved a party firing revolver, Sten and Bren on the range - it was the second week of this and became apparent that Moose liked the shooting business Very Much.

A slight improvement on Wednesday was noticed in the aircraft state but aviation-wise it was all rather quiet although Noel Evans burst a tyre. More interesting by far was the lunchtime incident in which Don Brimms was cornered in the bar and charged with his air to ground score; he narrowly escaped with his bar-book to go and eat and only then after a few drinks had been wrung from it. You see he doesn't Believe in Alcohol.

Whilst most folk were lazing on the beach Sports Officer Tim with Noel Evans and Graham Hounsell indulged in the gentlemanly game of cricket; the click of the willow came not from the Flying Wing Team and they went down by two wickets - a six wicket improvement from last week.

Just across the water throughout the week the Lebanon had been in a state of riot and rebellion and generally becoming quite interesting. After a peaceful morning on Thursday spent flying the available pair, 'Sir' called everyone together and it looked like, although it was not definitely stated, we were going to be very interested in the events in the Lebanon. No one was allowed on leave, No 66 Squadron was on their way out from the UK and 'C' Flight had shocked into activity beyond belief and hoped to have eleven aircraft up. It was apparent from 'Sir's' asides about guns and the bomb dump appearing on the airfield that things were not what they seemed. And then Kel came round and checked the next of kin …..

Speculation as to what we were going to do, where and to whom and trepidation on the thought of actually having to win a medal instead of just collecting it were noticed in the conversations. Several people developed athlete's foot or bad colds or important business in the Hebrides and it could be seen that everyone was far too young to endanger his life.

Pete Botterill who had seen it all before was unimpressed but was forced to admit that 'Sir's' enthusiasm did make one think.

On Friday twelve aircraft were fit to fly - in varying states of serviceability - and nine got away on a formation trip in practice for the Queen's Birthday next month. Of course official sources denied any state of panic and as the Wing Commander Flying-type 'Sir' said it was all just an exercise. And we marked bingo lines on our maps which happened to cover the Lebanon.

Ch 2 - Nicosia/Akrotiri 17

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