…... a potion aimed directly at every brain; a mixture of Commandaria, Filfar and Claret its efficacy provided the second revelation when it suddenly became apparent after only an hour that many brains had been taken by storm. Final proof of the explosive nature of the broth was given by the tottering trios wending their way to the top of the cliff, the middle member invariably being very much in need of support. Supporting although not intentionally competing with Ray's Do-It-Yourself-Mass-Murderer's-Kit were two teams engaged in preparing sausages, rolls, biscuits and potatoes around two large fires.

Swimming, intentional or otherwise, featured a great deal in the evening's proceedings and revealed that most of the airmen preferred to swim without the tedium of removing clothes or in the other extreme. All in all a fairly good do with no serious injuries recorded.

The injection of alcohol into the airmen had a good result and eight serviceable aircraft were available for flying, most flying was done in connection with two exercises against Canberras. Bill Thomas appeared late at the Squadron and won himself a weekend Orderly Officer - by the afternoon he was provided with a Duty Officer in the shape of Wicked Tom Sheppard. Having suffered a week of banishment followed by sunburn Tom volunteered for an air-test in the afternoon to get some flying in, however he returned back at base too low and too fast for 'Sir's' approval and so once again learned of the disapproval of One Above.

On Friday little was done apart from final air-tests and the day was fairly peaceful. The events of Thursday and Friday evenings are more noteworthy as on these occasions Tim and Noel were respective Flying Wing Security Officers. Tim essayed to go the rounds on a bicycle (which mount speedily developed a puncture) and and arriving at some barbed wire went through it as no guard could be seen - a voice from the shadows then told Tim that if he didn't halt, he (the voice) would loose a dog! Noel got a boost in his Welsh pride the following evening when he was refused permission to a dispersal because his 1250 photograph was not possessed of a moustache - he is one of the few left who cling to the hope of one day sporting a fine upper-lip of hair.

The usual Saturday morning lectures took place and life was quite normal at Akrotiri. At Nicosia by lunchtime Jack Gregg had become a father for the second time - to him, Ruth (ie Mrs Jack) and Junior Gregg Mk II the Squadron extended congratulations. Noise, again, constituted the routing for Saturday evening when the 208th became involved in and took over a party celebrating Akrotiri's success in winning the MEAF Athletics……… and Sunday passed calmly and peacefully.

Ch 2 - Nicosia/Akrotiri 14

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