In the photograph to the left, Sir Geoffrey chats with Mrs Storey and AVM Humphrey, while Dame Jean and 'Twinkle' Storey await events. Kate Chaplin meanwhile chats with the 'Mad Major'. Behind, OC Strike Wing, Martin Chandler, waits critically. To the right, the Boss, for whom this must have been a very trying day, gets the Parade under way under the critical eye of Sir Geoffrey.

While the Parade proceeded with all the customary pomp and ritual which always accompanies great occasions the aviators orbited overhead in expectation of the final march past. Parade completed we then proceeded to let down and come in to land. Following the coordinated shut down of engines there was a mad scramble to clamber into our Mess Kit (drinking knickers) as all those damned guests had had at least 20 minutes start on us, and it was our grog! To the right, Here Pete Exell, our Eng O leads the lads past, and what a superb show they put up!

After the tramping around Sir Geoffrey inspected the airmen and stopped to talk to some. I am sure this must have been a proud occasion for both him and Major Draper who had both been associated with the Squadron since its early days. It was fortunate for us that the Parade was in the relative cool of an October evening. Even so, the lads had sweated buckets during daytime parade practices at Sharjah and Muharraq. It was much better for those in the air, that's for sure!

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