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Annual Reunion Out to Lunch! The format of the Annual Reunion will change this year to a lunch time event. Members and their guests are invited to meet in the Victoria Bar at the RAF Club at 12:00 on Saturday 24 October 2020.

Sir Michael Stear In Memoriam. It was with great sadness that the Association announced the death of Life Vice-President Sir Michael Stear, who passed away on Sun 5 Jan 20. Click here to read the Obituary published in the Daily Telegraph.

Donald Perrens - In Memoriam. It was with great sadness that the Association announced the death of  Wg Cdr Donald Perrens of the Spitfire Chapter, who passed away on 10 Apr 2020 at the age of 101. Click here to read his Obituary from the Daily Telegraph.

2020 Newsletter Published.  The 2020 Annual Newsletter has been published, containing articles about an an exciting new painting; the Buccaner’s Blue Parrot radar; and an extract from ‘Two/Six’ about a troublesome Tomahawk. Click HERE to read an electronic copy.

2020 Reunion Cancelled. It is with great regret that the Association cancelled its 2020 Reunion due to the coronovirus pandemic and the restrictions placed on social gatherings. Deatails of the 2021 Reunion will be published as soon as possible.

208 Squadron Goes To War! 10 June 20 marks the 80th Anniversary of the Italian declaration of war in 1940, therefore bringing 208 Squadron in Egypt, directly into WWII. Click here to read Graham Pitchfork’s summary of the Sqn’s actions in the first days of the War.

Fantastic Freddie! The Association sent its warmest congratulations to Flt Lt Freddie Nicoll, who flew Hurricanes in the North Africa Campaign, and who celebrated his 100th birthday on 5 Nov 20. Click here to read the short article from RAF News on 30 October.

2021 Newsletter Published.  The 2021 Edition of the Association’s Annual Newsletter has been published. To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the disbandment of 208 as a Hunter squadron, this year’s issue is a bumper 20 pages.  Click HERE to read a PDF copy.

Gulf War I - 30 Years Ago.  26 Jan 21 marked the 30th anniversary of the deployment of Buccaneers to Muharraq, Bahrain.
Click HERE to read Bill Cope’s presentation on Op GRANBY. Click HERE to read about Op DESERT STORM from ‘Forever Vigilant’ .

Terrorists Attack 208! 25 February 2021 marked the 75th Anniversary of the infamous terrorist attack on 208 Squadron at Peta Tiqva in Palestine that destroyed seven Spitfires. Click here to read a short account of the attack and the background to it.

Freddie Nichol In Memoriam. The Association was deeply saddened to announce the death of Flt Lt Freddie Nicholl DFC, who passed away on 14 May 2021. Click HERE to read his Obituary, which was published in the Daily Telegraph on 2 June 2021.

The End of the Mighty Hunter. 21 Aug 21 was the 50th anniversary of the end of the Hunter era, the temporary disbandment of 208 Sqn and its withdrawal from the Middle East after 51 years of unbroken service. Click HERE to read about the Hunter’s service with 208.

First Reunion Lunch.  29 members and their guests attended the first Reunion Lunch in the Association's history at the RAF Club on Sunday 24 October 2021, marking the 50th Anniversary of the end of the Hunter era. Click HERE to read a full account of the event.

2022 Newsletter Published.  The 2022 Edition of the Association’s Newsletter has been published. Click HERE to read a PDF copy of the Newsletter.

Chanak Crisis.  100 years ago in Sep 1922, 208 Sqn found itself spearheading what today would be termed an Air Expeditionary Wing at San Stefano near Constantinople in Turkey. Click HERE to read Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork’s account of the episode.

El Alamein - 80th Anniversary.  80 years ago, on 23-24 Oct 42, Lt Gen Bernard Montgomery launched his famous attack, in what became known as the Battle of El-Alamein.  Click here to read Graham Pitchfork’s account of one of 208 Squadron’s finest actions.

2022 Reunion Lunch. The 2022 Reunion of the Naval Eight / 208 Squadron Association was held in the beautiful surroundings of the Coombe Abbey Hotel near Coventry on Sat 22 October 2022. Click here to read a full account of the Lunch.

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