Sometime ago the Historian had an idea to create a collection of miniatures of the orders, medals and decorations awarded to personnel of Naval Eight and 208 down the years to accompany his collection of model aircraft of Naval Eight 208, so he began to investigate their availability.
Now, many of you will remember that, at the 2000 Naval Eight 2O8 Reunion Dinner, Michael Pooley, the grandson of our founder, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Geoffrey Bromet, presented Sir Geoffrey’s lifetime awards of orders, decorations and medals and those of his wife, Dame Jean Bromet, to this Association. It was a huge coup for Naval Eight/208 and much of the credit for the discussions which brought about this gift to our Association was due to Gp Capt Philip Pinney, OC 208 between 1977 and 1980. It was also the inspiration for this display being brought together.
The medals project began in 2001 and initially was to create a collection of full-sized medals around the Bromet set. However, the realisation of the value of the Bromet set, combined with the anticipated cost of expanding that collection, brought us to realise we couldn’t afford it, so it was decided to revert to the idea of miniatures, with the added suggestion from our medals expert, Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork, that we make them more personal by creating a group of individual sets awarded to members of of the Squadron down the years. That’s how it all began and over the ensuing years, we have been enlisting your support with donations and your Historian has been bringing together the collection from a wide variety of sources, some as far away as Australia. The original 49 expanded to the 70 you see above.
In the pages that follow the individual medal sets are covered in greater detail. They are on permanent display at the Squadron’s HQ at RAF Valley and serve as a colourful reminder to all of this Squadron’s long and proud history - Enjoy!
To view the miniature medal collections from the First World War, Inter-War, Second World War and Post-War eras, please click on the appropriate link below: