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208 Squadron Plaque Unveiled AOC 22 (Trg) Gp, AVM Andrew Turner, unveiled a plaque to 208(R) Sqn during his visit to RAF Valley on 13 May 2016. A photo of the 100th Anniversary Hawks was also presented to ensure that the memory of the Squadron lives on.

208 Sqn Standard Laid Up. In a poignant service at the Royal Air Force Church, St Clement Danes, at 11:00 on Sunday 22 May 2016, the 208(Reserve) Squadron Standard was finally laid up and the Squadron Disbanded. Click here to read an account of the Ceremony.

Ton-Up Two-Oh-Eight! Association members and their guests gathered at the RAF Club on Sat 22 Oct 2016 to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the formation of Naval Eight Squadron at Le Vert Gallant on 26 Oct 1916. Click here to read an account of the Dinner.

Sid Jefford - In Memoriam. It is with great sadness that the Association announced the death of Sid Jefford, who passed away on Christmas Day 2016. He was a great colleague and a superb link to one of the most illustrious chapters of the Squadron’s history.

Spring Offensive 1917. 2017 marked a significant Anniversary in the history of Naval Eight / 208 Squadron. In 1917, it was heavily involved in intensive fighting during the Battle of Arras. Read the 2017 Newsletter article.

Exercise RED FLAG 1977.  3rd August 2017 marks the 40th Anniversary of the first participation in Exercise RED FLAG by any RAF squadron and, of course, 208 was that Squadron. Click HERE to read David Wilby’s recollections of the deployment.

The Chanak Crisis - 95 Years Ago. The ‘Chanak Crisis’ was the first post-war test of the RAF’s capability to mobilise a fighting formation to any trouble spot, at virtually no notice. Click here to read an account of 208 Sqn’s part in the Operation.

New Format for 2017 Reunion.  Association Members and their guests met in the Victoria Bar and the President’s Room at the RAF Club for a new-format Annual Reunion on Saturday 21 October 2017. Click here to read an account of the entertaining stories told.

RAF - 100th Anniversary. The celebrations of 100 years of the RAF also marked the 100th Anniversary of 208 Sqn, formed from Naval Eight Sqn at Teteghem, near Dunkirk on the Western Front on 1st April 2018. Click here to read a short history of 208 Squadron.

Little Memorial. On 27 May 2018, the Association Chairman, David T-Ryder, laid a wreath at a Ceremony of Remembrance, exactly 100 years to day that Flt Cdr Robert Little died from his wounds. Click HERE to read an article about the Ceremony.

Tom Neil - In Memoriam. Wg Cdr Tom Neil, former Battle of Britain fighter ‘ace’ and CO of 208 Sqn between May 53 and Nov 55, passed away on 11 Jul 2018, at the age of 97. Click here to read his obituary, which first appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 13 Jul 2018.

2018 Reunion. 35 Members and their guests attended the 2018 Reunion of the Naval Eight / 208 Squadron Association in the President’s Room at the RAF Club on Saturday 20 October 2018. Click here to read an account of the 2018 Reunion Dinner.

Wg Cdr Donald Perrens 100. On New Year’s Day 2019, Wg Cdr Donald Perrens DSO, 208 Sqn’s most distinguished surviving officer, celebrated his 100th Birthday. Click here to read details of his birthday celebrations.

A Brief Disbandment. 31 March 2019 marks the 60th Anniversary of 208 Sqn’s 4-day disbandment as a Hunter sqn in Cyprus before reforming as a Venom Squadron in Rhodesia. Click here to read Graham Pitchfork’s account of the events.

25 Years - Farewell Buccaneer. 25 years ago, the Squadron, and the Royal Air Force, said farewell to the Buccaneer at a memorable reunion at Lossiemouth at the end of March 1994. Click here to read Graham Pitchfork’s account of the final finale.

2019 Reunion Venue. The Association’s Annual Reunion is moving this year from London towards the Membership’s CofG in the Midlands. The 2019 Dinner will take place at the Grimscote Manor Hotel in Coleshill on Sat 19 Oct 19. Click here for more details.

2019 Newsletter Published. The 2019 Issue of ‘Naval 8 - 208 News’ - the Association’s Annual Newsletter - has been published in 16 colourful pages. Click here to read an electronic copy.

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