WWII 1939 - 1941 (10)


During the first week in March the Squadron assembled at Heliopolis from Cyrenaica prior to proceeding to Aqir in Palestine where re-equipment was to take place. For the rest of the month policy affecting the reformation, re-equipment and location of the Squadron fluctuated considerably and the decision to move to Aqir was revoked only after a considerable part of the move had been completed. This sudden change was motivated by the decision to send the Squadron to Greece at an early date. Needless to say there was little time for re-equipment. The transport, dilapidated after eleven months of desert operations, was given a veneer of respectability and dispatched to Greece by the end of the month.

The aircraft situation was serious as the Hurricane flight had been reduced to four aircraft while the remaining two flights continued with Lysanders of very much reduced performance. Demands in other directions had placed the re-equipment of the Squadron in the background. The demands upon the Squadrons operational use were urgent but the prospect of launching out on a new campaign in a state of semi-mobility was not looked upon with any great degree of confidence. However throughout the latter part of the month exhaustive preparations were made for the move to Greece while every effort was made to give leave to personnel. By 31st March the Squadron had left Heliopolis, with the exception of the air party, and had embarked at Alexandria. The Squadron arrived safely at Pireus despite the fact that the convoy in which it had been travelling had been attacked by enemy aircraft on five occasions. (See Map).

A sudden change in the military situation within the first week caused the Hurricanes to be ordered to Larissa to be attached to 33 Squadron. However Larissa was too vulnerable and so operations were commenced from Kazakiar, fifteen miles to the north, the Squadron being controlled by Headquarters ‘E’ Wing, an Army co-operation wing located with the advanced Army Headquarters. On 15th April three Hurricanes and six Lysanders moved to Pharsala while the remainder of the Squadron set off for Amphiklia in preparation for a withdrawal to the Athens area.


March 1941 208 Squadron relocates to Greece

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