One came straight across to the hangar to be admired, sat in, inspected and approved of by all and the other after burning out a brake attempting to stop in a mighty cross-wind went to ASF for acceptance. That mighty cross-wind made Monday rather a tricky day and the snake, battle and bounce and cine pairs all returned crab-wise - Tuesday's cross-wind was mightier still and several wheel changes were necessary after numerous boot-fulls of rudder and hand-fulls of brake.

A phantom switch button pusher on MOD 502 Mystic Manipulation appeared on Tuesday and power on several aircraft became impossible. A quick check revealed one Craig was responsible and on being charged with his actions he confessed to pushing said buttons out of interest whilst idly twiddling things in the cockpit.

First thing on Tuesday there was a big brief by John Barwell on low-level strikes in Norfolk and Suffolk. In preparation for the strikes lots of low-level cross-countries were flown in the West Country in the morning. A good day's flying was got in with a bit of battle and bounce in the afternoon.

The promised strikes in East Anglia materialised on Wednesday and in reasonable weather several forms set off in pairs to meet up by dint of flight planning - superb and flash in approved DFLS low-level battle around the countryside. Some low cloud crept in over lunch and the airfield went red - after lunch a convenient clearance to 8/8 blue allowed aviation to be resumed. Included in the aircraft to get airborne was the first true 208th - Hunter (6) Alpha being air-tested by Tom Sheppard.

Several of the 208th made like men of sport on Wednesday afternoon - Moose, Ian and Noel representing the Station on the rugger field and Tim Riddihough going off on a cross-country race in which he was recorded as 94th!!!

Early morning Thursday was pleasant but the weather soon deteriorated and it became evident that only the best excuses would be accepted for anyone attempting to avoid the ground-training programme. Although many were the cries of "Stack!" and the background rumour ran ‘Coffee in Town’, Tom Sheppard gave a morning lecture on the differences between Hunter 5 and 6 - followed in the afternoon by a talk on sweating-type emergencies as an encore. A gentleman (civilian) representative of Them Wot Makes The Hunter armed with large diagrams talked on the starter and work for the day ended at four. 'Sir' and Ian Craig missed all the thrills of the lectures as they went Meteorwise to Germany to discuss the Hunter and ground-attack - it is reported that alcohol and cigarettes are cheaper there but this had no bearing on the excursion at all.

Ch 1 - Tangmere 09

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