The Chairman thanked Neil Meadows and Malcolm Ward equally for liaising with the generous benefactor, whose contributions to the Association were very much appreciated. He also thanked Malcolm and Neil for their exceptional efforts in producing such an excellent Newsletter and Website respectively.

Following the celebrations of the Hunter era in 2022 and the Hawk Chapter in 2023, the 2024 Newsletter would feature various articles but, would concentrate this time on the Buccaneer Chapter. He therefore encouraged everyone to submit stories and anecdotes to Malcolm in good time.

The Chairman concluded his address with a poem he had discovered in Graham Pitchfork's seminal history of 208 Squadron: 'Forever Vigilant'. The poem had been written in 1937 for the Squadron's 21st Anniversary Reunion, but its sentiment remained entirely apposite.

In 1916, someone thought it was a good idea
To form a Squadron - Naval Eight - its purpose very clear.
With 'Strutters', 'Pups' and Nieuport Scouts, the grand idea was born.
But with it, something else began, that fine October Morn.

Those seed of friendship started there in  France had taken hold,
Each word within the Squadron Log was based on solid gold.
The job was done - we went our ways - but that was not the end,
Old 'Naval Eight' would not lie down - we'd have a 'make and mend'.

So through the years we've kept aloft, tails up! and tanks atrim!
The powers that be are well aware that 'Eight's' still in the swim.
The name is changed but that is nought, who will expostulate
For 208 is proud today to speak of Naval Eight!

We've passed the torch to other hands we're proud to call our sons,
But should the 'Stand-To' ever sound, then call on 'Guts and Guns'!
The glass is full, then drink it up, let others do their worst,
For we are now the 'watch ashore', and it's our Twenty First!

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