1916 - 1939 Articles (6)

In this section, there are a number of short articles and other links relating to the 1916 - 1939 era. Please click on the
photographs below to access the articles.

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1916-1939 Articles (5) 1916-1939 Articles (7) 20170701 - The Spring Offensive 01

Spring Offensive 1917 - Battle of Arras

2017 marks a significant anniversary for Naval Eight / 208 Squadron. In 1917 it was heavily involved in intensive fighting during the Battle of Arras, with its heaviest period of operations in July in the run-up to the Third Battle of Ypres (the Battle of Passchendaele). Click on the picture on the left to read the 2017 Newsletter Article.

20170925 - Chanak Crisis - 01

The Chanak Crisis 1922

In September 1922, the ‘Chanak Crisis’ was the first post-war test of the RAF’s capability to mobilise and transfer a fighting formation to any foreign trouble spot in a short time, and at virtually overnight notice. Click on the picture on the right to read an account of 208 Sqn’s part in the Operation.

Balloon Buster 100 - 01

Balloon Buster 100

29 August 2023 marked the 105th Anniversary of Flight Lieutenant Henry Botterell’s famous engagement with a German observation balloon near Arras on the Western Front. Click on the picture on the left to read about 208 Squadron’s visit to meet Henry at the age of 104 in 2001.

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