There were only 600 copies of the limited-edition print run of ‘Balloon Buster’ ever made, plus just 25 artist’s proofs. There is only one copy of the print, No 580 of 600, that bears two of Henry’s signatures, which makes it unique amongst all aviation art prints. Regrettably, following the Squadron’s disbandment in 2016, it is probably now in a box somewhere at MOD Stafford. However, it must not be forgotten as a uniquely historic artefact.

Then it was Henry’s turn to present several items to the Squadron. Henry’s son, Edward, had compiled photocopies of Henry’s flying log book for each of us, which Henry kindly signed and dedicated to the Squadron. These are now in the possession of the RAF Museum.

We then took a walk with Henry into the Hospital Grounds, where the exchange of reminiscences continued into the afternoon until it was time for us to bid farewell to Henry and Edward, and to catch our overnight flight home.

Our visit was well covered by the press, both in Canada and in the UK. There were articles in the Toronto Sun, the Canadian Airforce Magazine, the Canadian Maple Leaf Magazine, the MOD’s Focus Magazine, RAF News and the Sunday Times. Click on the images below to read the articles.

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