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The Sky’s The Limit (3)

While I was in 208 squadron, we covered the entire area of North Africa from Tripoli in the northwest, to Khartoum in the southeast. At various times we were temporarily stationed at RAF bases in other countries.

During one of the quieter periods, a group consisting of my closest friends, Twinkle Storey, Jock Pratt and Bert Horton, discussed Formation flying and the acrobatics of a group of Meteor planes stationed in the UK. We thought that if “they can do it in England, why couldn’t we do it better in Egypt?” Conditions there were better than those in England. There was more space, visibility was literally miles better and the weather was more predictable and more constant. Egypt was a natural arena for aerobatics, and we decided to “Give it a go”!

I was number 4 “in the box”. In close formation, every action had to be completely accurate. There was never sufficient time or space to correct the slightest mistake.

(Photographs published in Flight magazine show our group executing a loop. Which, I can say with all pride, is an accurate display of our aerobatic perfection and evidence of our group’s capability).

On one occasion we decided to have a go at landing with me in the box. We specially planned to do this when the AOC, Richard Acherly, was in attendance. It was a nerve-wracking experience in which I flew astern of the leader as we approached the ground and landed in front. After observing us, the AOC was furious and in no uncertain terms we were told what would happen if we ever did that sort of thing again in that squadron!

I never applied for a commission as I did not intend to remain in the RAF as a lifetime career. I felt commissions should only be granted to career personnel.... rightly or wrongly. Unlike the conscripts my experience in the RAF was not a sacrifice, but a privilege. I was one of the fortunate few to receive the best available training from one of the finest air forces in the world and I loved flying, so enjoyed every last minute.

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The Sky's The Limit (2)