1916 - 1939 Articles (7)

In this section, there are a number of short articles and other links relating to the 1916 - 1939 era. Please click on the
photographs below to access the articles.

Anecdote Homepage

1916 - 1939 Anecdotes Homepage

1916-1939 Articles Page 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

1916-1939 Articles (6) 1916-1939 Articles (8) 1916-39Articles  Of Camels & Two-O-Eight.pdf

Of Camels & Two-O-Eight

Click on the picture on the left to read an article entitled ‘Of Camels & Two-O-Eight’, which first appeared in the Winter 1986 Edition of ‘Cross & Cockade’ - the Journal of the First World War Aviation Historical Society. It catalogues the career of Lt Harold Goodwin RAF, who joined 208 Squadron on 1 April 1918.

1916-39Articles Buxton Presentation - Final.pdf

Naval 8 Squadron 1916 - 18

Click on the picture on the right to read a PDF copy of Colin Buxton’s outstanding presentation to Association and Squadron members at the Centenary Celebrations at RAF Valley on 1 April 2016 about Naval 8 Squadron between 1916 and 1918.

Bromet Diaries Homepage

The Bromet Diaries

Click on the picture on the left to gain a fascinating insight into the life of Naval 8 Squadron’s first Commanding Officer, Geoffrey Bromet as, for the first time, the Naval Eight / 208 Squadron Association is able to publish his personal diaries for the period 1916 - 1918.

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