WWII 1944 - 1945 (5)

On the tactical reconnaissance sorties it became apparent that there was a considerable shortage of enemy war materials over the whole eastern Italy battlefront and pilots were continually reporting large areas where no enemy movement was seen. When enemy transports were seen, usually in ones and twos, they were almost invariably stationary during daylight, a complete contrast to the scene behind Allied lines and a reminder of total Allied air superiority in the area. Nevertheless, the enemy flak batteries continued to take their toll and two more pilots were shot down. One Flying Officer M.B. Strubell was posted as missing, the other Flying Officer J.R. Savage who had been carrying out a tactical reconnaissance between Francavilla and Pescara, an area well known for its flak defences was hit by heavy anti-aircraft fire and called up that he was heading for the bomb line. With his cockpit full of smoke he baled out at 200 feet, insufficient height for his parachute to open.

Two further things happened at the end of April; the Squadron was told to move to San Angelo to commence work with 40(SAAF) Squadron and 225 Squadron under the control of 12 Tactical Air Command, and B flight commander, Flight Lieutenant Kevill—Davis was knocked down by a taxying aircraft and received a fractured jaw. The Squadron waited impatiently for the big advance and filled in time with tactical reconnaissance. It was on one such flight on 4th May that Flight Lieutenant “Judy” Garland MC and Bar was hit by heavy flak and was forced to bale out over enemy territory. Flight Lieutenant Garland had served with distinction in the Yorks and Lancs Fusiliers and was awarded the MC at Dunkirk and a bar to it in the Syrian Campaign. His commando training served him well as a fighter pilot and it was felt in the Squadron that if anybody could escape out of enemy territory safely he would be the man.

Read Ken Pugh’s account of ‘Judy’ Garland at this link:

At 2300 hours on 11 May 1944 the battle for Rome started. The Squadron was tasked to provide continuous artillery reconnaissance cover on heavy batteries in the Atina Valley. This the pilots attempted to do despite mist and low cloud base which made observations almost impossible and this set the tone of things for the next few days.


11 May 1944 The Battle for Rome begins Spit / Hurr / Lys 1943 - 1945 (3)

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