Hawk 2001 - 2003 (12)

That we achieved so much is due, of course to the pilots of 208 Squadron and their dedication, professionalism, indomitable spirit and overwhelming enthusiasm for flying, and I would suggest that the qualities of the young pilots in 2003 were as high as they have ever been in the Squadron’s history.

I had the pride and the privilege in commanding 208 Squadron (41), but I am left with the sentiments of our very first Squadron Commander, Sir Geoffrey Bromet, whose words of 1918 I dedicate to the Squadron of 2003:

‘The pilots needed a rest, it is true, but it is to their everlasting credit that they got through without loss of keenness or morale, and it was more apparent than ever to me that I had the support of the finest crowd of fellows ever.’

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‘Proud’ of 208 Sqn in 2003

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