But before that, much of its operational flying had been in the Middle East and along the north coast of Africa. Not only were these the Bible lands of ancient tradition, but also the countries of origin of many of the early church fathers: respected church men and women who formulated the creeds and the doctrines of Christianity. It was easily forgotten that, in a relatively short space of time, the Christian Church spread out across the Middle East and into Africa: Alexandria and Cyrenaica becoming
Laying Up Ceremony 01
The Laying Up of the Standard of 208(Reserve) Squadron
St Clement Danes Church London
Sunday 22 May 2016
Sadly, 208(R) Squadrons’ centenary year would also be its last as the decision had been made to disband the Squadron to focus advanced flying and tactical weapons training on the newer Hawk T2. The Squadron’s Hawk T1s would be retained for use by other
Hawk T1 operators: 100 squadron at RAF Leeming; the Red Arrows at RAF Scampton; and 736 Naval Air Squadron at RNAS Yeovilton. RAF Valley would still retain links with the Hawk T1, as depth maintenance would still be carried out at Valley, and ground school for refresher courses and those operating the Hawk T1 simulator would also be conducted.
However, following the Squadron’s final Hawk T1 flight, which took place at 1330 hrs on Wednesday 13 April 2016, the sad day dawned for the final stage of disbandment: the Laying Up of the Squadron Standard during a Service at the RAF Church, St Clement Danes, at 11:00 on Sunday 22 May 2016.
Click Here to read the Order of Service:
In his Sermon for Trinity Sunday, the Reverend Osborn warmly welcomed 208 Squadron back to the Central Church of the Royal Air Force, as the Squadron already had a Standard Laid Up there and, as far as he could tell, after the Ceremony, it would be the only squadron that would have 2 Standards laid up in St Clement Danes. Despite the sadness of the occasion, he hoped that the Squadron would rejoice in Laying Up its Standard with proper dignity. He described how 208 had spent much of the past 2 decades flying round Anglesey (or Ynys Mon as we should call it), past Beaumaris, and Plas Newydd, South Stack, and overflying the quarters in Penrhyn Close.