He spoke about the Geoffrey Bromet Trophy on the table in front of him. It had been Ben Laite, who had been on the Committee when the President had been at Bracknell, who had asked him if he could generate a Geoffrey Bromet Memorial Trophy within an absolute limit of £500. So he went to a silversmith in Bracknell, showed him the basic design that the Association wanted, and he produced a prototype in plasticine. The silversmith said: "That will cost five hundred and fifty pounds," which was 10 per cent over the limit, and therefore a bit tricky. Ben was a bit nervous about the ten per cent increase, so the President said to the silversmith: "Hey, chop ten millimetres off the feet," which is exactly what he did, and it looks OK with shortened feet.

The Trophy was always awarded to the pilot on the Squadron who had the best performance of the year. However, now that there was no longer a Squadron, that was no longer possible. However, in thanks to the Committee, for all their hard work over the last few years, the President announced that he would award the Trophy for one last time, to the Committee, with the one reservation that, if the Squadron was ever to reform, that they would return it for future presentations. In the meanwhile, it would stay safely on view at the RAF Club for all to see under an arrangement that the Association had made with the Club.

To great applause, the President then asked the Chairman to receive the Trophy on behalf of the Committee.

Finally, before everyone repaired to the bar to swap even more anecdotes, the President proposed a final toast:

“The 208 Squadron Association - Ever Vigilant”

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